About us

Toscana Cinema is an Italian  Production and service company  for movies and ,television and commercial shootings.


Established  by Alessadnro Tarducci / Mari Yamakawa
Address Via San Paolo n.9 Campi Bisenzio 50013 Firenze Italia
e-mail info@firenzeweb.net
P.IVA  06563200481


  • Established in  2004 “, FIRENZEWEB.NET.”
    The company started as a study abroad agency for Japanese people  to study in Italy, and also as a   interpreter and  business support service company. And gradually increased coordination service for Japanese media.
  • 2016  -We’ve  divided the Media Coordination and production section for featured film TV, CM, with the project name called  “TOSCANA CINEMA”.
  • We are a member of MIBACT(Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività’ Culturali e del Turismo)